Practice Tests
What AEAS Practice Tests are available?
AEAS Practice Tests are available for students preparing to take the AEAS Test for Years 10-12*, Years 7-9* and Years 4-6* (*based on Australian and USA school years). The Practice Tests include the five English language components of the AEAS Test – Reading, Vocabulary, Listening, Writing and Speaking.
Each Practice Test purchased contains one example of each of the English language proficiency tests for that year level. Students are able to familiarise themselves with the format of the AEAS Test, and gain confidence from the practice test experience.
Choose to purchase a Practice Test Booklet or complete a Practice Test online.
The AEAS online Practice Tests are also an excellent resource for any school student wanting to test their English language skills and to establish a benchmark level against which to assess future improvement.
Students can complete as many online Practice Tests as they wish and track their improvement over time. Genuine language development takes time and it is recommended that students continue their English language studies to improve their skills.
Are general ability and mathematical reasoning practice tests available?
Students must not practice the general ability and mathematical reasoning tests. These tests are psychological tests and students who are coached or practice such tests do so in breach of standardised testing procedures. Student results will be influenced by this ‘practice effect’, which will make the formal assessment and test results invalid.