Frequently Asked Questions
About the test
AEAS regularly develops new English language proficiency tests and mathematical reasoning tests using standard test development methodology. This includes a significant research component where the writers research the language requirements for each year group using national and state curriculum documents, textbooks and research into comparable tests for young learners. A focus group with ESL teachers is also conducted to give feedback on test design and content. The tests are then trialed within the student population.
Each set of AEAS tests takes time to develop. AEAS tests students from Years 4 to 12, with test materials specifically designed for the Year 4-6, Year 7-9 and Year 10-12 year groups (based on Australian academic year levels). Click here to view a Country, Age and Year Level Conversion table.
Please contact the AEAS Melbourne Office for more information.
AEAS encourages students to sit the AEAS Test well in advance of when they would like to commence studies in their selected school in Australia, New Zealand or an English medium school around the world. School places fill quickly, particularly at Year 11 level in Australia.
Sitting the AEAS Test 6-12 months before the anticipated commencement date ensures places are still available and students have enough time to complete intensive English language studies prior to commencement.
Schools that test on application consider the length of the recommended intensive English language program and recommended entry level when determining student commencement dates. The AEAS Test is just one part of the enrolment process and schools use the AEAS Report as one source of information when considering a student’s application to enter the school.
Many schools ask students to take the AEAS test twice. Once when they submit an enrolment application and again after they have completed their intensive English language program (ELICOS).
ELICOS (English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students) is a course designed to teach international students the English language skills needed to be successful in an Australian classroom.
Most international student from countries where English is not the first language will need to study intensive English language before they are ready to enter an English medium classroom. Students can need anywhere from 10-40 weeks of intensive English language studies depending on their English language proficiency and prior exposure to the English language.
Some Australian schools have an intensive English language centre on campus, however, most will recommend an independent ELICOS provider to you.
Test registration
All test registrations must be made online at Register for Testing or by selecting the country where the student would like to sit the test from the dropdown menu.
The Register for Testing and individual country pages contain information about the documents and personal details which must be submitted with your registration. They also outline currently scheduled test dates, and instructions to follow if no test dates are currently available.
Once you have selected the country where you wish to test, simply click the REGISTER FOR TESTING button and follow the prompts to complete your registration.
If there are no test dates scheduled in your preferred city or you would like to make other arrangements, please contact AEAS via email to [email protected] or [email protected], and we will arrange a test session in your location.
The test fee can be paid online at the completion of registration, or via direct transfer to the AEAS bank account.
In most countries around the world payment can be made online using credit card, and in China online payment is via Alipay. If you do not automatically pay online, your registration confirmation email will provide you with other payment options that are available for your city of testing.
Test fees must be paid in full a minimum of five business days before the scheduled test date or as stated in the registration email. Your test registration will be cancelled if this does not happen.
The AEAS Test fee is AUD $585.00 in all countries around the world, except in mainland China where the test fee is RMB 3350.
For students who request their AEAS Report be sent to more than three schools, there is an additional fee of AUD $15.00 per school (maximum of two additional schools can be selected).
If you have any concerns or difficulties with payment, please contact [email protected] or [email protected] .
It is not necessary to nominate schools on your initial registration. This should only be done if you have decided to apply to those particular schools after testing.
Schools prefer to receive students’ AEAS Reports directly from AEAS as a security measure. Once you have received your AEAS Report and confirmed the schools to which you will be applying, please email [email protected] and request your report be sent to them directly.
All students must upload a standard passport sized photograph at the time of registering for testing (current within three months). The photograph should clearly identify the student presenting for testing, and should be on a white background. This photo will appear on your final AEAS Report.
Yes, all school reports must be provided in English. The original school report and original translation should be brought to the test session along with one copy of each.
Please refer to a professional translation service in your city of residence.
Accredited, professional translators are preferred, however translations by adult, proficient English speakers are accepted only in exceptional circumstances. Please contact [email protected]u to confirm your translation method is acceptable.
The English translation of your most current academic school report must be notarised/certified as a true copy of the original. Copies of original school reports and passports do not need to be notarised/certified as true copies.
Students may postpone or cancel their AEAS Test date a minimum of seven business days prior to the scheduled test date. This must be done in writing (email) to either [email protected] (China tests) or [email protected] (all other test sessions).
An alternative test date will be offered based on availability. An administration fee of 20% will be deducted from all refunds granted for cancelled test sessions.
If AEAS is not notified that you will be unable to attend the scheduled test date, then a transfer or refund is not available.
Test preparation
AEAS recommends students revise English language learning materials, practice reading, listening and speaking English in their community where possible, and purchase a copy of the AEAS Practice Test Booklet that is relevant to their school year level (available for Years 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12 – based on Australian school year levels). Click here to view a Country, Age and Year Level Conversion table.
AEAS also has the AEAS School Preparation Course and The Official AEAS Test Preparation Course in mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Australia, Taiwan, with future course partners to become available in Thailand and Vietnam. See AEAS Preparation Courses information on this website.
Students should not attend unauthorised AEAS Test Preparation courses as they are usually poor quality, not delivered by qualified teachers and teach students to memorise instead of developing real English and test taking skills. Students are at risk of inflated test results which do not reflect their actual understanding and competency in English language. Students who attend these courses often find themselves struggling in an English speaking classroom as their English competency is not sufficient. This is likely to result in students falling behind academically. If this occurs students may need to delay entry to their school while they complete additional intensive English studies at extra cost and over additional time. In some circumstances this may delay their secondary education by up to one year.
AEAS publishes Practice Tests for Years 4-6, Years 7-9 and Years 10-12*(*based on Australian academic year levels). Click here to view a Country, Age and Year Level Conversion table.
Each test contains one example of each of the five English language tests included in the AEAS Test – reading, vocabulary, writing, listening, speaking.
Online Practice Tests: These tests are purchased and taken online through the AEAS website. Those who purchase have 5 days to complete the full test. Follow the link for further information.
Practice Test Booklets: There is one practice test booklet available for Years 4-6 (one sample test for each of the five components) and three practice test booklets for each of Years 7-9 and Years 10-12 (each booklet contains different examples of the five test components). Books can be purchased online by following the link.
Students must not study for or practice the general ability or the mathematical reasoning tests. These are psychological tests and teaching or practicing these tests is unethical. For results of these tests to be valid, it is important they are completed by students without any practice.
AEAS Practice Tests can be purchased on this website and the Practice Test Booklets can also be purchased through an authorised reseller in China, Hong Kong and Vietnam. Please go to the Practice Tests page and navigate to either Online Tests or Practice Test Booklets for further information.
Test day
Although online testing is increasing in popularity, AEAS does not provide an online testing service. This is because online testing cannot include a handwritten writing test, cannot accurately assess speaking skills, and does not provide the additional observational information that face to face testing provides.
Online testing should only occur with dedicated computers in approved and quality assured test venues, with trained and qualified test administrators. The integrity of testing is critical and must have the highest level of security. Without high levels of security and integrity of testing, test results may not be a valid and reliable assessment of each student’s abilities will not occur.
- Testing must only be managed, invigilated and proctored by trained and qualified test administrators.
- Test Administrators must not have a pre-existing relationship with the student and/or a vested interest in the test outcome.
- Testing must only occur under examination conditions.
Face to face testing provides an accurate and comprehensive assessment with high levels of integrity in the test process.
- Original passport and a copy of the bio page, or valid photo ID if no passport available
- 1 x current passport sized photo (colour, white background)
- Most current original academic school report and notarised/certified copy of the English translation
- Language school report if available
- Evidence of current school and year level
- 2 x black pens (no pencils allowed)
Students are not permitted to sit the AEAS Test without presentation of their original passport or photo ID. If other documentation is missing, the student can sit the AEAS Test as scheduled, but must submit the missing documents within 10 business days. Their AEAS Report will not be completed until all documentation has been submitted to AEAS.
All students must provide proof of identification upon arrival at their test session. Students who do not produce a valid photo identification (original valid passport or other national identity card with photo ID) will not be allowed to sit the test. The student will not be eligible for a refund or test date transfer.
- Passport or photo ID (must be presented every time student enters test room)
- 2 x black pens
- Water bottle
AEAS maintains a high level of security during test sessions and does not allow the following items into the test room
- personal belongings such as bags, wallets or document pouches
- watches
- mobile phones
- other electronic devices
A security check will be undertaken prior to entry to the test room, and students found with prohibited items on them after entering the test room will be asked to immediately leave the test and will not be able to sit an AEAS test for another three months. AEAS will not refund any test fees under these circumstances.
No, the use of a calculator is not permitted in any of the AEAS tests.
No, the use of a dictionary is not permitted in any of the AEAS tests.
Test results
AEAS test results (your AEAS Report) will be available within 10 business days after the test date, or 10 working days after all supporting documents are provided. Results are emailed to parents and, if relevant, to the listed education agent and schools.
Your AEAS Report will be emailed to you, using the email address provided at registration. Your report will also be emailed to your education agent if you included their details in your registration, and the schools you indicated you will be applying to.
There is no pass or fail score for the AEAS Test. The test assesses English language proficiency, mathematical reasoning and general ability, and the scores show if a student is below average, average or above average in these three areas. The overall assessment places students within the relevant student population and compares with students in the same year level. (See ‘What is a stanine?)
Many schools set their own score level for direct entry into their mainstream classes based on the English language support the schools can offer on campus. Check with the schools you would like to apply to for their entry requirements.
You may apply for a remark of any sub test. The request must be made in writing and come from the same email address provided at the time of registration.
The request must be made within 5 business days of receiving your AEAS Report. Email requests to [email protected] (China tests) or [email protected] (rest of world).
Reports are valid for no more than one year from the test date, however as English language skills can weaken if not practised, AEAS recommends testing again prior to commencement. Conversely, if the student has completed an intensive English language program or is attending an English speaking school, their English language skills may have substantially increased and they would also benefit from another AEAS Test.
The AEAS Test is designed to give an accurate assessment of a student’s abilities. As such, a period of three months is considered the minimum amount of time a student would need to make any significant improvement to their English language proficiency.
Sitting the test repeatedly within a short period of time would lead to an inflated score due to the practice effect, giving an inaccurate result. This regulation is not negotiable.
A stanine score is not the same as a percentage. A percentage score is the number of questions answered correctly out of the total number of questions in the test. AEAS does not report percentage scores.
A stanine score reports a student’s ability in relation to the standard ability level of students in their peer group. The stanine score reports whether the student has below average, average or above average abilities in any skill set. A stanine score from 1-3 denotes below average abilities. A score of 4-6 denotes average abilities and a score of 7-9 denotes above average abilities.
The graph shows the distribution of results expected for the tested population.
AEAS services
Parents and students can view all the scheduled AEAS events for them on our web page Australian Schools Events for Parents and Students. Choose the events you are interested in and register your details. Further information will be sent to you closer to the event.
Schools can see all the AEAS events scheduled throughout the year by clicking here clicking here.
AEAS publishes an event program approximately 4 to 6 months before the next calendar year. This event program changes from year to year. To keep up to date with details, and keep an eye on events happening near you, keep checking the following pages on our website