AEAS is a leading provider of educational assessment services for international students
The AEAS Test and Preparation Courses are designed for school students of all nationalities for whom English is not a first language or language of instruction at their current school.
Australian schools, schools in English speaking countries, and international schools around the world benefit from a standardised, accurate and reliable assessment of students applying to enter their school.
Developed in Australia, the AEAS Test transcends international education borders. It assesses English language proficiency and general learning standards of students from primary years through to senior secondary years. The AEAS Report provides a standardised and effective method on which to base decisions on student enrolment, placement and learning needs.
The AEAS School Preparation Course supports students to be ready for commencement in English medium schools around the world.
We have had a valued and productive relationship with AEAS for nearly twenty years, during which time AEAS has assisted the School with hundreds of applications.
AEAS has been engaging, supportive, professional and discreet in all its dealings with the School.
AEAS staff are thoroughly knowledgeable about the education landscape…